Here's a look back on my gaming year, and the first thing to note is I played more games than 2018.
Number of games played: 94
Total plays: 266
Games played at least 10 times: 6
Sushi Go Party
Drop-It (gifted)
Month I played the most: May
Games I played that we didn't own: 36
Games we acquired after trying someone else's copy: 3
Beyond Baker Street
Just One
Tiny Towns
Change in our game collection: +11 to 75
Games we removed: 19
New Games: 30
Bargain Quest
Beyond Baker Street
Blue Lagoon (gifted)
Century Golem
Chocolate Factory
Dream Home
Just One
Love Letter
Rubik's Cage (gifted)
Rubik's Match (gifted)
Splendor (gifted)
Takenoko (gifted)
Terraforming Mars
The Faceless
Ticket to Ride
Tiny Towns
Ultra Dash (gifted)
Vadoran Gardens
During the year we owned a total of 94 games and I played 53 of them 56%
Full list of games I played in 2019
Rummikub 2
Sushi Go Party 10
Azul 3
My first Carcassonne 2
Ice Cool 2
Drop-It 10 (gifted)
Queen Domino 2
Linkee 1
Hero Realms 5
Tsuro 10
Dream Home 5
Grabolo 9
Timeshock 10
Code Names 1
Scrawl 5 (goodie bag game)
Staccups 4 (game I won)
Photosynthesis 2
Pursuit of Happiness 1
Magic maze 1
Grimm Forest 1
Scythe 1
Exit the secret lab 1
Rising 5 1
Pandemic 5
Rhino Hero 4
Kingdomino 2
Dobble 9
Playing cards 8
Animal upon animal 3
5 second rule Jr 1
Sagrada 6
The magic labyrinth 2
Reef 1
Tokaido 1
Architects of the west kingdom 1
The Faceless 3
Cluedo 1
Patchwork 2
Clank! 2
Gizmos 2
Colt Express 1
Beyond baker street 2
Jenga 1
Dino Hunt Dice 2
Phase 10 2
Villagers 8
Dixit 2
Pandemic Legacy 1 6
Slam it 1
Just One 6
Adventure Mart 1
Victorian Masterminds 1
Shadow Amsterdam 1
Sushi Roll 2
Team3 1
Maiden's quest 6
Vadoran Garden 2
Concept 3
Carcassonne 2
Yeti in my spaghetti 1
Harry Potter trivial pursuit 1
Blue Lagoon 2 (gifted)
Takenoko 3 (gifted)
Splendor 10 (gifted)
Topiary 7
Castle panic 2
Tsuro of the seas 1
Century 3
Passtally 1
Santorini 10
Throw Throw Burrito 1
Tiny Towns 3
Dinosaur Island 1
Kana Gawi 1
Wingspan 2
Abyss 1
Love letter 1
Ultra Dash 1
Chocolate factory 3
Ticket to ride 2
Rubik's Cage 3 (gifted)
Rubik's Match 2 (gifted)
Celestia 1
Lotus 1
Code name pictures 1
Dead of Winter 1
Forbidden Island 1
Champions of Midgard 1
council of four 1
Grimm Masquerade 1
Quadropolis 1
Mission: Red Planet 1
Papillon 1
Articulate 1
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